Geolocation-based Domain Name Resolution [closed]

Can I have Geolocation-based Domain Name Resolution in PowerDNS cluster?

I have to make a PowerDNS cluster for my project and there is a requirement of Geolocation-based Domain Name Resolution.

Is it possible? If yes, how?

Solution 1:

Seems to be right in the documentation, no?

This backend (which is a.k.a. the YAML backend) allows visitors to be sent to a server closer to them, with no appreciable delay, as would otherwise be incurred with a protocol level redirect. Additionally, the Geo Backend can be used to provide service over several clusters, any of which can be taken out of use easily, for example for maintenance purposes. This backend can utilize EDNS Client Subnet extension for decision making, if provided in query and you have turned on edns-subnet-processing.