How to enable access to IPv4 users?
My router works with IPv6, I tried to open a IPv4 server but due to CGNAT no one could access my web server. I asked to some friends to test it, those without IPv6 couldn't reach it. ReqBin also could'nt reach.
I can access IPv4 servers, but I have shared public IPv4, so it's impossible to do web hosting in it.
How can I allow IPv4 users to access my IPv6 server?
Solution 1:
I already talked with the ISP, they even don't know what's "web hosting"
If that was the customer support responsible for your contract, that means you do not have a contract with your ISP that is geared towards professional use. Maybe even the entire ISP only serves consumer use cases.
Go get a contract with a company appropriate for your use. One where it says in the contact that you get both of the versions of IP connectivity you want to use.