disks for a small esx-host: ssd raid5 or hdd raid10? [duplicate]

RAID5 with SSD gives you much better performance on random I/O, approx. same redundancy level and scale-up slots. The suggested in comments configuration with cache makes no sense in my opinion, because it will cost more (or same) than SSD only storage, but it adds unnecessary complexity for storage and has lower performance.

You may find, that RAID5 is not recommended RAID level. It relates more to HDD drive, especially large capacity, because of two main reasons: slow random write performance; long and “potential risky” rebuild. SSDs works good in RAID5. Here more detailed description - https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/raid-5-was-great-until-high-capacity-hdds-came-into-play-but-ssds-restored-its-former-glory-2