The repository ' stable Release' does not have a Release file

The previous answer was wrong (Traxidus Wolf).

That issue (reference) wasn't an error but just a message for that guy to answer yes or no (change from Google Inc to LLC), it happened to all last week after an update.

The problem was that apt-get is low level now and apt more user-oriented so apt-get did not ask for the user interaction.

This error is different:

The "key" is "repository can't be authenticated"

IMHO... you don't have the key of the repo

To solve that just use this command:

$ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

In the past you could add any repo you wanted, now you need their gpg key otherwise doesn't work.

As per the answer at this post » How to update Google Chrome 70 after change in 'Origin' value? ' Due to the low level of apt-get the prompt isn't provided.

Run: "apt update"

It will give you a "y/n" prompt, chose "y" and from then on the error and note will be treated.