How to specify the download location with wget?

I need files to be downloaded to /tmp/cron_test/. My wget code is

wget --random-wait -r -p -nd -e robots=off -A".pdf" -U mozilla

So is there some parameter to specify the directory?

From the manual page:

-P prefix
           Set directory prefix to prefix.  The directory prefix is the
           directory where all other files and sub-directories will be
           saved to, i.e. the top of the retrieval tree.  The default
           is . (the current directory).

So you need to add -P /tmp/cron_test/ (short form) or --directory-prefix=/tmp/cron_test/ (long form) to your command. Also note that if the directory does not exist it will get created.

-O is the option to specify the path of the file you want to download to:

wget <uri> -O /path/to/file.ext

-P is prefix where it will download the file in the directory:

wget <uri> -P /path/to/folder