How to compiling packages from source?

I need to install DRBD in a server without internet. (redhat 7.x)

It's a sad place where you can't use yum.....

You have to compile using the source.

So, I have the following questions:

  1. Is it possible to install all the currently uploaded sources?
  2. Do I need to install all 3 of DRBD 9.x Linux Kernel Driver / DRBD 9.0.x Linux Kernel Driver / DRBD Utilities ? If not, which one should I install?
  3. What other libraries do I need to install?
  4. If anyone has installed DRBD9 by source compile on RHEL 7.x, can you tell me how?

If you can answer the above questions, I would be very grateful.

thank you in advance

I believe drdb is available in the EPEL repositories. Compiling from source can be a royal PITA, but very easily doable and there are many articles on the internet you can find to help guide you through this.

However, if you really want to just use someone's packages, get EPEL repos setup on your RHEL machine(s) and use yum.