How to backup a linode 360 VPS?

Here are a few popular strategies among Linode customers:


About the database - It might be 800MB of data but if you dump it ti file, which you really should do far backing up, that file will compress very well and the result should e considerably less than the "raw" data on disk. You can then use whatever method you like for transferring the resulting backup file (tgz, zip, whatever) to the destination. The most popular choice for this appears to be rsync.

As to where to back it up, if it was my server I'd back it up to my home or office system and then back it up to tape from there, using a GFS rotation. I just have this thing that if I don't have physical access to the storage media I don't consider a system properly backed up.

Amazon S3 is great service for backup. Instead of rsync you can use duplicity. With duplicity you can do incremental backups.

For simplifying of backups use DT-S3-Backup.

I agree that you're best served by using the backup service provided by Linode though if you want to do it yourself, Amazon's S3 is really cheap and simple to use.

I've been using it for years with various scripts but recently I started using s3fs to mount my bucket on my Linux box.

With it mounted, I can create simple scripts using Bash and rsync to make backups. It also makes retrieving a file really simple as the backup storage is always mounted.