Windows 10 Keyboard Repeat Rate/Delay Keeps Changing

To get around this you could use the "Filter Keys" feature in the Ease of Access center to speed it up. Of course backup your registry before doing this or at least back up the values so you can roll it back if it isn't doing what you want it to do. Go into regedit.exe navigate down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response and update your values. Reboot for the changes to be seen.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response]

I had a key repeat problem with my Lenovo Yoga 11e Thinkpad, Windows 10. I thought it was a Windows 10 problem so kept trying to handle that. I didn't so eventually looked into the possibility of it being a hardware problem. In the laptop BIOs settings I found there was a setting to accept the OS's keyboard settings. It was on. I turned it off. I saved and rebooted. My keyboard problem was handled. I believe that this setting, when on, was creating a conflict with the Windows 10 settings which work well without being "told" to do so. I hope this might help someone else and save them the frustrations I had.