What abilities do %health damage?

Solution 1:


Magic damage:

  • Amumu's Despair deals % max hp in a small AoE around him over time as long as the ability is toggled on
  • Brand's Blaze passive deals % max hp when he deals damage with any of his spells
  • Dr. Mundo's Infected Cleaver deals % current hp
  • Elise's Neurotoxin deals % current hp
  • Elise's Venomous Bite deals % missing hp
  • Evelynn's Agony's Embrace deals % current hp in a targetted AoE
  • Fizz's Seastone Trident's passive deals bonus damage % missing hp on basic attacks
  • Garen's Demcian Justice deals bonus damage based on target's missing hp
  • Jayce's Thundering Blow deals % max hp
  • Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage deals % max hp on auto-attacks as long as the ability is active. Also increases his maximum auto-attack range
  • Malzahar's Null Zone deals % max hp over time in a targetted AoE
  • Mordekaiser's Children of the Grave deals % max hp over a long duration. If you die while affected by this, you become Morde's "pet" for a limited time.
  • Nasus' Fury of the Sands deals max hp in an AoE around him as long as the ability is active
  • Poppy's Devastating Blow deals bonus damage based on target's % max hp
  • Varus's Blighted Quiver (upon activating the passive marks) deal % max hp
  • Veigar's Primordial Burst deals increased damage based on target's missing hp
  • Warwick's Hungering Strike deals % max hp

Physical damage:

  • Jarvan IV's Martial Cadence deals % current hp as bonus damage on his basic attacks
  • Kha 'Zix's Taste Their Fear (With Evoled Enlarged Claws) deals bonus damage based on target's % missing hp to Isolated targets
  • Lee Sin's Resonating Strike deals % missing hp
  • Nidalee's Takedown deals increased damage based on target's missing hp
  • Riven's Windslash deals increased damage based on target's missing hp
  • Vi's Denting Blows passive deals bonus damage based on target's max hp
  • Volibear's Frenzy active deals increased damage based on target's missing hp
  • Xin Zhao's Crescent Sweep deals % current hp in an AoE

True Damage:

  • Vayne's Silver Bolts deal % max hp every third basic attack against a single target


Physical damage:

  • Blade of the Ruined King's (Not available on the Crystal Scar) passive deals % current hp on basic attacks
  • Blade of the Ruined King's active deal % max hp and also heals the user for that same amount. Effect also lowers your move-speed and boosts the user's

Magic damage:

  • Blackfire Torch's (Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar only) passive deal % max hp when you deal magic damage. Uses 1 charge per second and contains 18 at once, which are restored over time when not used.
  • Deathfire Grasp's active deals % max hp and increases magic damage done to that target for a limited time
  • Kitae's Bloodrazor's (Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds only) passive deals % max hp on basic attacks
  • Liandry's Torment's (Summoner's Rift and Proving Grounds only) passive deals % current hp when you deal magic damage

In addition to all of these, Mikael's Crucible's active heals a single ally for a % of their missing hp