"Camera Roll" and "Saved Pictures" folders: permanently delete on Windows 10

The Camera Roll folder is created by the Camera app.
The Saved Pictures folder is created by the Photos app.

If you simply delete the folders those apps will recreate them based on the location stored in the registry at:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
When viewing this location in Regedit, if the purpose of each key isn't obvious, look them up on Microsoft's KNOWNFOLDERID page.

  • To truly remove the folders and stop their recreation...
    Uninstall the Camera and Photos Apps and then delete the folders.

  • To move the folders somewhere more convenient...
    Remove Camera Roll, Saved Pictures and Screenshots Folders & Libraries in Windows 10?
    TLDR: Cut and paste the folder to a location of your choosing.