Does the verb "Unstar" exist?

I'm creating an application for the iPhone where the user has the ability to star an item, i.e. adding a star to the item. Now I am wondering whether I can also use unstar? Or should I go with something different - if so, what?

Solution 1:

The verb to unstar is not reported in the dictionary I have, which doesn't report to unpublish either.

If to star refers to an action that changes the status of something, then to unstar would be understood as the action that makes the opposite status change.

This is what happens with to unpublish, which is understood as to change the status to not published.

Solution 2:

Unstar is commonly used in applications such as Gmail. I would say yes, it's acceptable to use in the context of software.

Solution 3:

i am not sure about unstar but you can definitely use Unstarred as gmail and other e-mail provider use in there action buttons