How to set value of ipa_hostname directive in sssd.conf using Augeas

Took a couple days but I finally figured this out. I added some extra code to show how to address another section in the same file. Hope this helps.

  $domain =
  augeas { "sssd.conf ipa_hostname":
    lens    => 'sssd.lns',
    incl    => '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf',
    changes => [
      "set target[ . = 'sssd']/services 'nss, sudo, pam, ssh'",
      "set target[ . = 'sssd']/config_file_version 2",
      "set target[ . = 'sssd']/domains ${domain}",
      "set target[ . = 'domain/${domain}']/ipa_hostname ${hostname}.${domain}",
    notify  => Service["sssd"]