How to configure IP address to an Huawei AR158E interface?

In my work we saw one old Huawei AR158E router gathering some dust and I'm playing now with it seeing if I can give it some new purpose...

So far I have been able to configure some VLANs and a VLANIF in Ethernet0/0/2 and works flawlessly... But I was wondering if I can configure an IP address directly to a interface, let's say Ethernet0/0/2, I was somehow related to Huawei cli but my skill levels are average at most. So I try to follow this tutorial, but I get stuck in one step and I can't configure the IP.

<AR-158E> system-view
[AR-158E] interface Ethernet0/0/2
[AR-158E-Ethernet0/0/2] ip address
Error: Unrecognized comand found at '^' position

When I try:

[AR-158E-Ethernet0/0/2] ip?
  ip IP packet
[AR-158E-Ethernet0/0/2] ip ?
Error: Unrecognized comand found at '^' position

I guess I need to active some kind of hiden option, but I can't figure it out what it can be... How, if can be done, can I achieve to configure an IP to an interface?

For additional info: huawei cli


Huawei AR158E in version V200R003, only LAN interface FE0 (Ethernet0/0/0) can be configured as a WAN interface. In other words, I can only switch the interface FE0 to a layer 3 interface. Or you can upgrade the router to ** V200R010C10**, in which all FE LAN interfaces can be configured as WAN interfaces.

Once the upgrade is completed, I should configure the command 'undo portswtich' under the interface view and then assing the IP address I want to:

<Huawei> system-view
[Huawei] interface ethernet 0/0/2
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/2] undo portswitch
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/2] ip address 24
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/2] description This is the 2nd interface

The really hard step is make the upgrade, not because it's hard to do, but because it takes time: you need to login in the Huawei enterprise site, then see if your product has support, if so ask the permission to access the locked data (by becoming a customer sending a form with your product S/N), wait for some hours (it took me nearly 24h), and then download the .cc (the actual device's OS) and even a nicely Upgrade guide.

Hope this help anyone.