SQL Server using wildcard within IN

Solution 1:

How about:

WHERE LEFT(job_no, 4) IN ('0711', '0712', ...)

Solution 2:

I think I have a solution to what the originator of this inquiry wanted in simple form. It works for me and actually it is the reason I came on here to begin with. I believe just using parentheses around the column like '%text%' in combination with ORs will do it.

select * from tableName
where (sameColumnName like '%findThis%' or sameColumnName like '%andThis%' or 
sameColumnName like '%thisToo%' or sameColumnName like '%andOneMore%') 

Solution 3:

How about something like this?

declare @search table
    searchString varchar(10)

-- add whatever criteria you want...
insert into @search select '0711%' union select '0712%'

select j.*
from jobdetails j
    join @search s on j.job_no like s.searchString

Solution 4:

You could try something like this:

select *
from jobdetails
where job_no like '071[12]%'

Not exactly what you're asking, but it has the same effect, and is flexible in other ways too :)