Apache server not responding. It just loads and then gives a timeout [closed]

You already checked that the service is running.

Try to access your server from the server itself, in order to check if the service is accessible. A adequate command to check is telnet or curl, to be executed on the same machine the server is running:

$ telnet localhost 80
$ curl -v http://localhost

If this is working well, next is to check if the firewall on the server has opened port 80. Hint: ufw is just one type of firewall, there could be other programs as well. Please also check if another firewall ( for instance the one of your server provider) allows access to port 80.

Next step is to try the same, but to use the Public IP of the server. A command to know your public IP of the server is echo $(curl -s ifconfig.me). Another way is to search for it in the output of ip a.

Finally you should check the DNS, eg. if your domain name points to the correct IP.