Memory terminology in Mavericks Activity Monitory

For each process there is

  • Real Memory (always at least as big as Memory)
    • Total Memory currently consumed by an application (including Virtual pages)
  • Memory
    • Memory used in RAM
  • Purgeable Memory
    • Memory which can be cleaned by MMU, if another process needs more real memory.

Then, for the system in total

  • Physical Memory
    • The amount of RAM installed.
  • Memory Used
    • The amount of RAM being used and not immediately available.
  • Virtual Memory
    • The amount of disk or flash drive space being used as virtual memory.
  • Swap Used
    • The space on your drive being used to swap unused files to and from RAM.
  • App Memory
    • The amount of space being used by apps.
  • Wired Memory
    • Memory that can’t be cached to disk, so it must stay in RAM. This memory can’t be borrowed by other apps.
  • Compressed
    • The amount of memory in RAM that is compressed.
  • File Cache
    • The space being used to temporarily store files that are not currently being used.