apt update different behavior in Dockerfile and prompt, return error code 100 but works

Solution 1:


The root issue is a bug in the base image you're using. The permanent fix is to clear out /var/lib/apt/lists in the base image Dockerfile, but it can be temporarily worked around by rebuilding the base image or using the --allow-releaseinfo-change option.

The reason why this behavior differs between docker build and docker run -it is the use of the -t flag to allocate a tty. This changes the behavior of apt -y (APT::Get::Assume-Yes).

Full explanation

Repository ... changed its 'Suite' value

This error occurs when:

  1. APT has a cached version of the Release file -- This is the bug. Docker base images should generally clean this cache.
  2. The remote repo has a newer version
  3. Certain fields don't match between the two versions

In a non-docker environment, this check is intended to protect the user from suddenly and unexpectedly installing packages from a different Debian release.

In this case, the base image mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0-python3.9 contains contained cached versions of the Debian buster Release files (condition #1) with Suite: stable, because that was current at the time it was built.

However, the master copy in the Debian archive is newer (condition #2), and now has Suite: oldstable (condition #3), because Debian 10 buster has been superseded by Debian 11 bullseye.

So when you try to run apt update on this base image, it fails because of the mismatch between the old cached version and the current version.

I tried your Dockerfile just now (2021-09-03), and it worked OK for me. This is probably because it's been rebuilt since you posted this question. This would have caused it to cache the new Release files from the Debian archive, correcting the mismatch (#2/#3 above are no longer true).

However, you can verify that the bug is still there:

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0-python3.9               
root@722ec78233b4:/# grep Suite /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release
/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_buster-updates_InRelease:Suite: oldstable-updates
/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_InRelease:Suite: oldstable
/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.microsoft.com_debian_9_prod_dists_stretch_InRelease:Suite: stretch
/var/lib/apt/lists/security.debian.org_debian-security_dists_buster_updates_InRelease:Suite: oldstable
/var/lib/apt/lists/security.debian.org_debian-security_dists_jessie_updates_InRelease:Suite: oldoldstable

And the same error will recur after the next Debian release, when buster becomes oldoldstable and bullseye becomes oldstable.

I saw a similar issue with an unrelated docker base image recently, and I think this bug is fairly widespread.

Behavior of -y option

When you run apt with a tty as stdin, -y will override this check and allow the update command to succeed. However, if there is no tty (non-interactive session), the -y option will not override this check. I confirmed this using an older version of the buggy image:

# aborts    
docker run --rm mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0.15066-python3.9-slim apt update -y

# succeeds
docker run -t --rm mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0.15066-python3.9-slim apt update -y

# prompts for y/N to continue
docker run -it --rm mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0.15066-python3.9-slim apt update

# aborts
docker run --rm mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:3.0.15066-python3.9-slim apt update