Links from external software opens in wrong Chrome window

Let me explain in a step by step fashion:

  1. Open chrome (Left screen), start browsing etc.
  2. Open a new tab in chrome and drag it to my Right screen with, let's say, youtube with some music
  3. Click on a link in an external application (skype, irc, slack, usually a chat app), the link opens on the window on the right screen instead of my main one, the left one

I'm really looking forward a solution, so far I couldn't find anything beside opening first the "media reproduction" tab and second the "main work" tab (which is definitely counter-intuitie).

Are there any solution to this behavior?

Solution 1:

The same problem happened to me where the link did not open on the last used window.

Solution - Restart the Chrome app and the links should open as expected. This is what worked for me.