No Video output when attempting to run Facade

Solution 1:

The official site recommends this, in case of a crash after loading screen:

Q: When I launch Façade I never get past the loading screen, or past the initial fade up at the front door.

On Windows, what could be happening is that your videocard settings for antialiasing and anisotropic filtering are set such that they are incompatible with Façade's unusual rendering style. A solution that may allow Façade to run is to set these features to "application controlled". (We believe the "application controlled" setting will still allow these features to be active when you play other games, it just gives each application the option to use them or not.)

To try this, open the Control Panel called "Display", go to the "Settings" tab, click "Advanced", and then search for a dialog that may be called something like "Performance & Quality Settings", to find the settings for "Antialiasing" and possibly "Anisotropic Filtering", if your videocard supports that. Change these settings to "application controlled", and close the control panel. Then try running Façade again.

You could give this a try.