Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut to Calculator?

On all my Windows PCs I do a 'Shortcut key' for calculator to open with Ctrl+Shift+C:

Windows 10 Calculator Properties, Shortcut tab

I can't figure out how to do it on Windows 10. There are no right-click properties.

Windows 10 Calculator right-click

Solution 1:

  1. Create a shortcut of Calculator
  2. Set the target: C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
  3. Right click on the shortcut and select “Properties”
  4. On the “Shortcut” tab, enter the keyboard shortcut

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 2:

To set up a Win+1 keyboard shortcut:

  1. Pin the calculator to the taskbar (Press Windows key, start typing "calculator", once the app icon shows up, right-click to "Pin to Taskbar")
  2. Drag it to the left-most spot on the taskbar (looks nice by the other white icons)
  3. Windows key + 1 opens item #1 on your taskbar, which is now the calculator.
  4. Bonus: Win + Shift + 1 opens a new instance of the calculator if you want multiple ones open.

Solution 3:

Option 1

  • File Explorer, type this (shell shortcut) in location bar shell:AppsFolder, right-click Calculator, Create shorcut, Yes
  • Right-click new Calculator shortcut on Desktop, Properties, there is our Shortcut key field/entry!

Option 2

  • Go to %WinDir%\System32, right-click calc.exe, Create Shortcut, Yes. Then step 2 above

If I placed the shortcut in %WinDir%\System or Documents it seemingly wouldn't work!? It was flakey even moving back to Desktop, but after I set the shortcut to something else, hit Apply, then back to Ctrl+Shift+C it'd work :P