Stopping to eat is tedious, is there any way to automate the process?

While I've managed to optimize and automate almost everything, constantly having to stop and eat is annoying (I run around a lot, so I get hungry quickly). Is there any device or tool that will keep me well fed at all times without having to stop and feed?

Wondering why your Quantum Helmet doesn't operate as advertised? As of IC2 v1.110, the Quantum Helmet can refill your hunger with carried canned food, at an EU cost of 10,000 EU per point. And, of course, at the cost of carrying said canned goods around.

Alternatively, you could look into foods with higher saturation. Ambrosia, crafted from bee products, gives high saturation (and 40 seconds of regeneration). Or, if you don't want to bother with that, steak is always a good option.

Well, I have not heard of anything that automatically makes you eat, but if you construct a level 4 pyramid with a beacon at the top you can insert a diamond, a gold/iron ingot or an emerald you can activate the regeneration buff. If you stay within the beacons range, it will keep regenerating your health so you don't need to eat.