Centos 6.10 - How to increase allocated PE size to take up Free P/E size

Solution 1:

I think you're confusing the Physical Volumes (PVs) and Logical Volumes (LVs).

If you're restoring a Clonezilla partition image, then you need a LV partition big enough to receive it.

So that would be an lvresize. You'll be able to expand the LV into all of the free space on all of the PVs in your Volume Group (VG).

LVs are allocated from VGs; VGs get their storage from PVs.

Harking back to a previous question of yours, this didn't need any "defraging" of the PV, as LVs can grow across fragmented extents - that's one of the main points of LVM - the allocation of LVs doesn't have to be contiguous, or even all on the same PV.