How can I download a Flash video from a website?

I am trying to download a Flash video, so I can try to convert it to a normal DVD.

(FYI: this is a religious video.)

Is it possible to download this video? If so, how could I do this?

Solution 1:

If you have Firefox, install the Download Helper extension.

Solution 2:

In Safari it's a bit convoluted, but if you

  1. start 'loading' or playing the flash video, then
  2. from the Window menu select Activity

you'll see something loading with the extension flv or swf. (In the case of the linked video above, it's actually an MP4 file, which may or may not be because I use clickToflash on my Mac.)

  1. Hold down option and double-click the flv or whatever file as it's loading, and you should see the download begin.

Easily download YouTube movies via Safari Web Browsers has a (possibly clearer) explanation, along with a bunch more application recommendations that can automate this process for you, including a bookmarklet: