Where to get btrfs-convert on 18.04?

I installed btrfs-progs on 18.04, but btrfs-convert is still not available. I have checked that the btrfs-progs deb package does not contain btrfs-convert, only its man page.

How can I get btrfs-convert on 18.04?

btrfs-convert was a part of "btrfs-tools" package, which in Bionic will be provided as "btrfs-progs".

However if you check the list of "btrfs-progs" files, you would find out that the man page of btrfs-convert has been included but not the binary itself.

There is also a bug report: btrfs-convert executable is not included in btrfs-progs

Also it might be dropped because of: btrfs-progs: please stop shipping btrfs-convert

You have to compile it from source I guess.

I grabbed a copy from suse and used that ( https://opensuse.pkgs.org/15.0/opensuse-oss/btrfsprogs-4.15-lp150.1.2.x86_64.rpm.html ). (All my data's backed up so I'm not so concerned about the unreliability.

EDIT: as I was warned, I basically got a filesystem that didn't really work (Would go read-only just after booting)

Ran into this bug: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194667

I second the above advice, currently btrfs-convert doesn't work