How do you defeat Sigdis Gauldurson?

On the quest "Forbidden Legend", I can't figure out how to kill the eldest son of Archmage Gauldurson, Sigdis Gauldurson. He just keeps teleporting away, and there are three of him! Every time I kill one of them they just teleport and then there are three of them again! Please give me your advice if you have any idea on how do defeat Sigdis Gauldurson.

Solution 1:

This advice depends on whether you are a melee fighter/ranged/mage etc so YMMV. He is a very tough opponent at lower levels.

But when I started out to kill Sigdis for the first time, the thing I was looking was for to differentiate the real Sigdis and his illusions were :

  1. Sigdis had his helmet's horns curled down (biggest giveaway IMO).
  2. Sigdis had his health bar affected when he was hit like @Yves said already.
  3. Sigdis was not surrounded by blue illusion adornments like his (oh well) illusions were.
  4. The illusions die after one hit with your weapon bow/axe/spell etc

With time I got better at recognizing him.

If you are a melee class then the fourth point does you no good because he will simply teleport away. Instead look for the other three points and go for this guy with a vengeance. If you are an archer/mage types then you can deal damage from a distance almost hiding from him if you wish. In that case the fourth point applies.

You can still defeat him if you are a melee type, just takes a lot of patience going back and forth across the room (a lot IMO).

This is one battle where patience does pay out well. Just be patient. Do not make haste. And he can be brought down no matter your play style.

Solution 2:

There is only one real version of him; the other two are clones.

The easiest way to tell him from his clones is by checking the target's health before attacking. The real Gauldurson should already have some health missing from your attacks, whereas the clones will spawn with full health bars.

Solution 3:

Stand in the circle where he gets out of his tomb and stand directly in front of the tomb...make sure you have a bow and a good amount of arrows. By standing in front of his tomb he can only spawn straight back parallel from where you'd be standing or on one of the two platforms in the middle of the room. Then just play the guessing game with the three of him it's pretty easy cause the illusions die from one arrow. Also stay crouched because right when he reappears your hidden and have a better chance of getting the first hit. I'm currently a low level and found this as the most effective way to kill him.