Ubuntu 18.04 Enable Tap-to-click on Unity desktop
Well, I don't know if Unity has some option for it, hopefully someone will answer on that one. But you can enable it from command line:
- list devices with
xinput list
, and find the touchpad name in the output. - use a
xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1
, where the text in first quotesSynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
needs to be replaced with touchpad name you got in step 1.
This will only work till reboot, so you'll need to add the command from step 2 to autostart.
Late Answer for those who see themselfes stumbling in this wide narrow sea.
If you are using a Synaptics device best thing would be installing the Synaptics drivers - The options you need will be added to the general settings under "Mouse and Touchpad".
EDIT: Apparently xf86-input-synaptics is not a synaptics driver, but still did the job for others and my machine(xps15).
To do so, first update everything
sudo apt-get update
and install the driver with
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
In case that doen't work because you are missing dependencies, go for the HWE version;
sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04
finally, restart and you should find the extended standard options in the system settings.