Pointers to some good SVM Tutorial [closed]
The standard recommendation for a tutorial in SVMs is A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition by Christopher Burges. Another good place to learn about SVMs is the Machine Learning Course at Stanford (SVMs are covered in lectures 6-8). Both these are quite theoretical and heavy on the maths.
As for source code; SVMLight, libsvm and TinySVM are all open-source, but the code is not very easy to follow. I haven't looked at each of them very closely, but the source for TinySVM is probably the is easiest to understand. There is also a pseudo-code implementation of the SMO algorithm in this paper.
This is a very good beginner's tutorial on SVM:
SVM explained
I always thought StompChicken's recommended tutorial was a bit confusing in the way that they jump right into talking about bounds and VC statistics and trying to find the optimal machine and such. It's good if you already understand the basics, though.
Lots of video lectures on SVM:
I found the one by Colin Campbell to be very useful.