nginx and supervisor setup in Ubuntu

Solution 1:

That there is no socket file probably means that supervisor isn't running. A reason that it isn't running might be that your qlimp.conf file has some sort of error in it. If you do a

sudo service supervisor start

you can see whether or not this is the case. If supervisor is already running, it will say. And if it is catching an error, it will usually give you a more helpful error message than supervisorctl.

Solution 2:

I have met the same issue as you and after several times, here comes the solution:

  1. First remove the apt-get supervisor version:

      sudo apt-get remove supervisor
  2. Kill the backend supervisor process:

     sudo ps -ef | grep supervisor
  3. Then get the newest version(apt-get version was 3.0a8):

    sudo easy_install(pip install) supervisor==3.0b2 
  4. Echo the config file(root premission):

    echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisord.conf

5.Start supervisord:

   sudo supervisord

6.Enter supervisorctl:

   sudo supervisorctl

Anything has been done! Have fun!