How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

Solution 1:

Make sure MySQL binds to and not or it will not be accessible from outside the machine

You can ensure this by editing the /etc/mysql/my.conf file and looking for the bind-address item--you want it to look like bind-address = Then save this and restart MySQL:

sudo service mysql restart

If you are doing this on a production server, you want to be aware of the security implications, discussed here:

Solution 2:

Log in to your box with ssh [email protected] -p 2222 (password vagrant)

Then: sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf and comment out the following lines with #


save it & exit

then: sudo service mysql restart

Then you can connect through SSH to your MySQL server.

Solution 3:

I came across this issue recently. I used PuPHPet to generate a config.

To connect to MySQL through SSH, the "vagrant" password was not working for me, instead I had to authenticate through the SSH key file.

To connect with MySQL Workbench

Connection method

Standard TCP/IP over SSH


Hostname: (forwarded SSH port)
Username: vagrant
Password: (do not use)
SSH Key File: C:\vagrantpath\puphpet\files\dot\ssh\insecure_private_key
              (Locate your insercure_private_key)


Server Port: 3306
username: (root, or username)
password: (password)

Test the connection.

Solution 4:

For anyone trying to do this using mysql workbench or sequel pro these are the inputs:

Mysql Host: (or ip that you choose for it)
username: root (or mysql username u created)
password: **** (your mysql password)
database: optional
port: optional (unless you chose another port, defaults to 3306)

ssh host: (or ip that you choose for this vm, like above)
ssh user: vagrant (vagrants default username)
ssh password: vagrant (vagrants default password)
ssh port: optional (unless you chose another)


Solution 5:

Well, since neither of the given replies helped me, I had to look more, and found solution in this article.

And the answer in a nutshell is the following:

Connecting to MySQL using MySQL Workbench

Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH
SSH Hostname: <Local VM IP Address (set in PuPHPet)>
SSH Username: vagrant (the default username)
SSH Password: vagrant (the default password)
MySQL Hostname:
MySQL Server Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: <MySQL Root Password (set in PuPHPet)>

Using given approach I was able to connect to mysql database in vagrant from host Ubuntu machine using MySQL Workbench and also using Valentina Studio.