Redis fetch all value of list without iteration and without popping
Solution 1:
To retrieve all the items of a list with Redis, you do not need to iterate and fetch each individual items. It would be really inefficient.
You just have to use the LRANGE command to retrieve all the items in one shot.
elements = redis.lrange( "supplier_id", 0, -1 )
will return all the items of the list without altering the list itself.
Solution 2:
I'm a bit unclear on your question but if the supplier_id is numeric, why not use a ZSET
Add your values like so:
ZADD suppliers 1 "data for supplier 1"
ZADD suppliers 2 "data for supplier 2"
ZADD suppliers 3 "data for supplier 3"
You could then remove everything up to (but not including supplier three) like so:
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE suppliers -inf 2
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE suppliers -inf (3
That also gives you very fast access (by supplier id) if you just want to read from it.
Hope that helps!