Fix Mavericks vertical scrolling lock? (jerky scrolling, accidental safari back)

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I made a quick app which hacks together some basic vertical-only scroll lock support. It basically tells the system to ignore small horizontal movements when scrolling in a mostly vertical direction.

You can download the app from The source code of the app is available at

I have no idea how well it works, only barely tested it, but it will prevent horizontal movement when your scroll

Try this:

defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -int 0

It disables “rubber-banded” scrolling systemwide and also fixes that weird behaviour on chrome/safari

If you go to System Preferences > Trackpad, you can customize the settings to your liking. The screenshot below shows the More Gestures window and if you uncheck the first one, Swipe between pages, it should take care of the symptoms that you're having.

Trackpad Settings