Ubuntu 18.04 stuck at upgrading linux-header
TLDR: Disable Secure Boot.
I started having this same issue about a month ago. For me it turns out the solution was disabling Secure Boot. I've had Secure Boot disabled since I installed Ubuntu 18.04 and it's upgraded without any problems. However, about a month ago, I updated my BIOS which re-enabled Secure Boot (I didn't know this at the time). It was frustrating having the upgrades freeze and I finally figured it out because my VirtualBox installation was also not working. The fix for VirtualBox was disabling Secure Boot which also fixed my linux-headers-<version>-generic
As noted in the question, it would freeze here:
Setting up linux-headers-4.15.0-38-generic (4.15.0-38.41) ...
After disabling Secure Boot, I get:
Setting up linux-headers-4.15.0-38-generic (4.15.0-38.41) ...
Secure Boot not enabled on this system.
My solution;
- ps aux | grep apt
- Kill the apt process
- sudo dpkg --configure -a
- apt update
- apt upgrade