How do I edit Visual Studio's mouse shortcuts?

Solution 1:

From my topic.

Plugin that attaches Navigate back/forward to the mouse buttons: Mouse Navigation The last version (2.2.0) is working fine.

Some clarifying:
Visual Studio (2012) separates the normal navigation from "click to go" navigation.
Normal navigation: mouse click anywhere in code editor, tab change also.

Click to go navigation: Go to definition, search result click. It is controlled by the buttons named: "Browse Back / Next" "Previous/Next Definition, Declaration or Reference". You can find it in the View custom toolbar.

The default VS mouse back/forward buttons are attached to the "Browse Back / Next" buttons, not to the Navigate back/forward.

The VS plugin Mouse Navigation sets the mouse buttons to the Navigate back/forward. The only remaining problem is that because VS doesn't consider "click to go" as normal navigation, when you click to go to a definition and try to go back using the Ctrl+- or mouse back, you will not return to the last position, but to the previous "Normal navigation" position.
My suggestion to the plugin developer is to try to make VS consider "click to go" navigation as normal ones, completely solving this issue.

Solution 2:

In Visual Studio 2017 15.04 a new option was added to allow the Ctrl-Click go to definition functionality provided by the Productivity Tools. When I disabled it, my mouse back button once again started working as "navigate backward". The option is here:

Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition

Source: Visual Studio Release Notes

Solution 3:

Are you running Visual Studio as an administrator? I know this was an issue with me and my Logitech mouse running Logitech SetPoint. If you run SetPoint as an Administrator all your buttons will start working again.

Helped me and may help others, but might not be the issue with yours.

Solution 4:

Visual Studio 2010 simply lacks support for this in C++, Visual Basic and F#

Using an Add-in is an option? here is one: Forward/Backward Code Navigation with the Mouse Thumb Buttons Inside Visual Studio 2010 (C++, Visual Basic, F#)

I think it's the simplest workaround for this problem.