What is the best webinterface to manage BIND? [closed]

I set up BIND DNS which hosts our domain, and I also use it for internal DNS. I set up different views for internal and external hosts and it works OK. My question is which is the best webinterface to manage the BIND server, which will allow me to use views in the named.config ? I have tried MyDNS, SMBIND and ProBIND but none seems to do exactly what I wanted.

Here is an entire list of web frontend GUI's for BIND.

Without knowing exactly what you want, I cannot recommend one specifically.


vi. emacs. Your favourite text editor. :-)

You'd be better off learning how to edit the configuration files directly rather than relying on some incomplete GUI tool. You have complete control when you use your favourite text editor.

Bind doesn't have any particular web interface. Use PowerDNS instead.

There's a new app now that supports views configuration via a webUI called fmDNS which should do what you are looking for. It's a part of a suite of apps - http://www.facilemanager.com/modules/fmdns/