Open source Objective-C projects with high quality code?

Solution 1:

There's a decent list of open source Mac projects on CocoaDev:

Not all of the projects are still active, but a decent number of them are. I particularly recommend:

  • BWToolkit -
  • BGHUDAppKit -
  • CHDataStructures -
  • MGTwitterEngine -
  • Sparkle -
  • Colloquy -
  • CocoaRest -
  • CorePlot -

Solution 2:

I've found Adium to be a well-designed and written Objective-C project. It has a huge codebase, too.

Solution 3:

I don't think there's any one place to learn all the Objective-C idioms and best practices, but you can pick them up here and there over time and practice. Cocoa mailing lists and blogs are good resources for this. (There are several SO questions relating to that.)

I haven't dived into the source myself, but the Omni frameworks are well-respected in the Mac community.

I work on a framework of my own that's still rough around the edges, but I strive for quality documentation in addition to understandable, well-structured code.

Solution 4:

Google Quick Search Box [ qsb-mac - Google Code ]

I think The Google Quick Search Box (QSB) is worth a look. IMHO it's pretty much a cleaner googley rewrite of Quicksilver (Note: N. Jitkoff, the QS programmer, is also involved in the Google QSB).