Find XOR of all numbers in a given range

Solution 1:

This is a pretty clever solution -- it exploits the fact that there is a pattern of results in the running XORs. The f() function calculates the XOR total run from [0, a]. Take a look at this table for 4-bit numbers:

0000 <- 0  [a]
0001 <- 1  [1]
0010 <- 3  [a+1]
0011 <- 0  [0]
0100 <- 4  [a]
0101 <- 1  [1]
0110 <- 7  [a+1]
0111 <- 0  [0]
1000 <- 8  [a]
1001 <- 1  [1]
1010 <- 11 [a+1]
1011 <- 0  [0]
1100 <- 12 [a]
1101 <- 1  [1]
1110 <- 15 [a+1]
1111 <- 0  [0]

Where the first column is the binary representation and then the decimal result and its relation to its index (a) into the XOR list. This happens because all the upper bits cancel and the lowest two bits cycle every 4. So, that's how to arrive at that little lookup table.

Now, consider for a general range of [a,b]. We can use f() to find the XOR for [0,a-1] and [0,b]. Since any value XOR'd with itself is zero, the f(a-1) just cancels out all the values in the XOR run less than a, leaving you with the XOR of the range [a,b].

Solution 2:

Adding to FatalError's great answer, the line return f(b)^f(a-1); could be explained better. In short, it's because XOR has these wonderful properties:

  • It's associative - Place brackets wherever you want
  • It's commutative - that means you can move the operators around (they can "commute")

Here's both in action:

(a ^ b ^ c) ^ (d ^ e ^ f) = (f ^ e) ^ (d ^ a ^ b) ^ c
  • It reverses itself

Like this:

a ^ b = c
c ^ a = b

Add and multiply are two examples of other associative/ commutative operators, but they don't reverse themselves. Ok, so, why are these properties important? Well, a simple route is to expand it out into what it really is, and then you can see these properties at work.

First, let's define what we want and call it n:

n      = (a ^ a+1 ^ a+2 .. ^ b)

If it helps, think of XOR (^) as if it was an add.

Let's also define the function:

f(b)   = 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 .. ^ b

b is greater than a, so just by safely dropping in a few extra brackets (which we can because it's associative), we can also say this:

f(b)   = ( 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 .. ^ (a-1) ) ^ (a ^ a+1 ^ a+2 .. ^ b)

Which simplifies to:

f(b)   = f(a-1) ^ (a ^ a+1 ^ a+2 .. ^ b)

f(b)   = f(a-1) ^ n

Next, we use that reversal property and commutivity to give us the magic line:

n      = f(b) ^ f(a-1)

If you've been thinking of XOR like an add, you would've dropped in a subtract there. XOR is to XOR what add is to subtract!

How do I come up with this myself?

Remember the properties of logical operators. Work with them almost like an add or multiply if it helps. It feels unusual that and (&), xor (^) and or (|) are associative, but they are!

Run the naive implementation through first, look for patterns in the output, then start finding rules which confirm the pattern is true. Simplify your implementation even further and repeat. This is probably the route that the original creator took, highlighted by the fact that it's not completely optimal (i.e. use a switch statement rather than an array).

Solution 3:

I found out that the below code is also working like the solution given in the question.

May be this is little optimized but its just what I got from observing repetition like given in the accepted answer,

I would like to know / understand the mathematical proof behind the given code, like explained in the answer by @Luke Briggs

Here is that JAVA code

public int findXORofRange(int m, int n) {
    int[] patternTracker;

    if(m % 2 == 0)
        patternTracker = new int[] {n, 1, n^1, 0};
        patternTracker = new int[] {m, m^n, m-1, (m-1)^n};

    return patternTracker[(n-m) % 4];