How to iterate over a std::map full of strings in C++

Your main problem is that you are calling a method called first() in the iterator. What you are meant to do is use the property called first:

...append(iter->first) rather than ...append(iter->first())

As a matter of style, you shouldn't be using new to create that string.

std::string something::toString() 
        std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter;
        std::string strToReturn; //This is no longer on the heap

        for (iter = table.begin(); iter != table.end(); ++iter) {
           strToReturn.append(iter->first); //Not a method call
           // Make sure you don't modify table here or the iterators will not work as you expect
        return strToReturn;

edit: facildelembrar pointed out (in the comments) that in modern C++ you can now rewrite the loop

for (auto& item: table) {

  1. Don't write a toString() method. This is not Java. Implement the stream operator for your class.

  2. Prefer using the standard algorithms over writing your own loop. In this situation, std::for_each() provides a nice interface to what you want to do.

  3. If you must use a loop, but don't intend to change the data, prefer const_iterator over iterator. That way, if you accidently try and change the values, the compiler will warn you.


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str,something const& data)
    return str;

void something::print(std::ostream& str) const

Then when you want to print it, just stream the object:

int main()
    something    bob;
    std::cout << bob;

If you actually need a string representation of the object, you can then use lexical_cast.

int main()
    something    bob;

    std::string  rope = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(bob);

The details that need to be filled in.

class somthing
    typedef std::map<std::string,std::string>    DataMap;
    struct PrintData
         PrintData(std::ostream& str): m_str(str) {}
         void operator()(DataMap::value_type const& data) const
             m_str << data.first << "=" << data.second << "\n";
         private:  std::ostream& m_str;
    DataMap    table;
        void something::print(std::ostream& str);

Change your append calls to say



... append(iter->second)

Additionally, the line

std::string* strToReturn = new std::string("");

allocates a string on the heap. If you intend to actually return a pointer to this dynamically allocated string, the return should be changed to std::string*.

Alternatively, if you don't want to worry about managing that object on the heap, change the local declaration to

std::string strToReturn("");

and change the 'append' calls to use reference syntax...


instead of


Be aware that this will construct the string on the stack, then copy it into the return variable. This has performance implications.

Note that the result of dereferencing an std::map::iterator is an std::pair. The values of first and second are not functions, they are variables.





Ditto with iter->second.