How to VPN on demand Mac OS X?
I'm trying to configure the Snow Leopard's VPN on demand service without success
I've tried the following domain+configuration pairs but none of them have worked: default
* default
My goal is that each time I go to with Safari, ssh or everything else on this the connection will be established trough the VPN !
I've tried plenty of different configs but it has never worked so far...
As I discovered after some testing: VPN on demand on OS X doesn't work with configuration "Default"!
Add a minimum one named configuration on the VPN interface which you use for connecting. Then everything works fine - it's simple like that!
Apparently this works only if you're using certificate-based authentication.
What is VPN on demand, and how do I get it to work with iOS?
The VPN connection is made whenever the device tries to connect to certain domains. Specific apps don't need to do anything; as soon as they try to access such a server the VPN connection is initiated.
Visit this support page for information about how to use the Configuration Utility to create a configuration profile that sets up VPN On Demand.