Carbon neutral data center? [closed]

I stumbled upon after thinking about my company's carbon footprint.

I know this is a very complex topic, and not just as trivial as where the energy comes from for the data-centers, but I cannot find any data-centers that are claiming any carbon offsetting or neutrality.

Has anyone seen an environmentally friendly data-center?

Data centres do produce a lot of waste heat. It much depends on the climate zone whether this heat is any helpful elsewhere. During the winters in e.g. here in Finland it is possible to reduce the power used for heating buildings by recycling the waste heat from data centres.

Telia and the energy company Helen have agreed on the utilisation of heat produced in a data centre. According to the plans, waste heat collected from Telia’s modern data centre in Pitäjänmäki will be transmitted into the district heating network for distribution to homes and properties in Helsinki as from June 2022. In future, the data centre can provide heat for the homes of more than 20,000 Helsinki residents.

I am not affiliated with Telia or Helen; this project just seems like a rather promising example.

My secondary datacenter is Switch SuperNap in Las Vegas.

The datacenter owns its own solar farms in Nevada and promotes that the power source is 100% Green.
