mxtransport setting for postfix does not work

I have server with postfix. Because google did not liked my IP address, I did used external SMTP server for delivering emails. I setup check_recipient_mx_access and I know it worked "sometime ago". Unfortunately today I saw it no longer works. have following:

smtpd_sender_restrictions       =
                check_recipient_mx_access       pcre:/etc/postfix/mxtransport

sender_dependent_relayhost_maps =       hash:/etc/
transport_maps                  =       hash:/etc/

/etc/ and /etc/ are empty.

/etc/postfix/mxtransport are as follows:

/google\.com$/              FILTER smtp:[]:2500
/googlemail\.com$/          FILTER smtp:[]:2500
/protection\.outlook\.com$/ FILTER smtp:[]:2500

I tried several ways, but they not seems to work.

Solution 1:

Ok, mystery solved.

check_recipient_mx_access works only if the email comes from SMTP, e.g. telnet on port 25.

If I use sendmail or mailx the message go directly in the queue (postdrop) and these checks seems to be skipped.