VBA: how to hide rows if a cell contains a certain text

I am using Excel 2013. I am new to VBA. I found a code that would simply hide 2 rows (36 and 37) if my cell N39 is equal to "Passed"

I found that code but I receive the message "ambiguous name detected "Worksheet_Change"

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Range("N39").Value = "Passed" Then
        Rows("36:37").EntireRow.Hidden = True
    ElseIf Range("N39").Value = "Failed" Then
        Rows("36:37").EntireRow.Hidden = False

    End If
End Sub

so I tried the name of my worksheet but it does nothing

Private Sub NRF(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Range("N39").Value = "Passed" Then
        Rows("36:37").EntireRow.Hidden = True
    ElseIf Range("N39").Value = "Failed" Then
        Rows("36:37").EntireRow.Hidden = False
    End If
End Sub

Could it be because I have another code above?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    Dim celltxt As String
    celltxt = ActiveSheet.Range("E39").Text
    If InStr(1, celltxt, "P670-Staffing") Then
    MsgBox "Add the job title and type of hire in the description cell - column H" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "If this is a new position, please obtain your HRBP's approval"
    End If
End Sub

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?

Solution 1:

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?

I found that code but I receive the message "ambiguous name detected "Worksheet_Change"

You can't have two functions with the same name and parameters Worksheet_Change.

I removed the previous code and it works. How could it make it work with the other code?

You need to put all of the code inside a single Worksheet_Change function.