How do I delete files of certain extension that don't have a given string in their filename?

I have a directory with files of many extensions in it. I would like to recursively delete *.srt files (and *.srt files only) which don't end with (where srt is an extension). I've come up with the following solution and it seems to work fine, however, I'd like to know whether it is 100% correct.

find . -name "*.srt" ! -name "*" -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;

! -- First read the answer completely then use it if you like it -- !

Your command is correct, however there is no need to use -rf as rm parameters. because you are removing files and not directories.

Another clear way to write it is (it's almost same as your command):

find -name '*.srt' -and -not -name '*' -type f -exec rm '{}' \;

or as @steeldriver suggested you can use:

find -name '*.srt' -and -not -name '*' -type f -ok rm '{}' \;

It will ask for your permission to remove each founded file.

You can also use -delete instead of rm {} \; however be aware of its dangers:

Don't forget that the find command line is evaluated as an expres‐ sion, so putting -delete first will make find try to delete everything below the starting points you specified. When testing a find command line that you later intend to use with -delete, you should explicitly specify -depth in order to avoid later surprises. Because -delete implies -depth, you cannot usefully use -prune and -delete together.

It is always a good idea to test what is going to happen before doing the actual job, so I suggest running:

find -name '*.srt' -and -not -name '*' -type f | grep -i

If it return nothing then the actual command will work without any problem and you are good to go... or even:

find -name '*.srt' -and -not -name '*' -type f | less

to check what's going to be removed.

And do not forget to quote '{}':

(when find is being invoked from a shell) it should be quoted (for example, '{}') to protect it from interpretation by shells.

Let’s do it solely with bash globbing: With the extglob and globstar options enabled,

rm **/!(*-en).srt

deletes every file ending in .srt excluding anything ending in from the current as well as any subdirectory.
If you‘re not sure about an expansion like this, test by prepending echo (see example below).


$ tree
├── subdir
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── unrelated.png
$ shopt -s extglob globstar
$ echo rm **/!(*-en).srt
rm subdir/ subdir/
$ rm **/!(*-en).srt
$ tree
├── subdir
│   ├──
│   └──
└── unrelated.png


  • **/ – with the globstar option enabled this matches any number of directories and subdirectories
  • !(*-en) – with the extglob option enabled this matches anything except the given pattern, so anything not ending in -en