I have this Statement:

INSERT INTO qa_costpriceslog (item_code, invoice_code, item_costprice)
    VALUES (1, 2, (SELECT item_costprice FROM qa_items WHERE item_code = 1));

I'm trying to insert a value copy the same data of item_costprice, but show me the error:

Error Code: 1136. Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

How i can solve this?

Solution 1:

Use numeric literals with aliases inside a SELECT statement. No () are necessary around the SELECT component.

INSERT INTO qa_costpriceslog (item_code, invoice_code, item_costprice)
    /* Literal number values with column aliases */
    1 AS item_code,
    2 AS invoice_code,
  FROM qa_items 
  WHERE item_code = 1;

Note that in context of an INSERT INTO...SELECT, the aliases are not actually necessary and you can just SELECT 1, 2, item_costprice, but in a normal SELECT you'll need the aliases to access the columns returned.

Solution 2:

You can just simply e.g.

INSERT INTO modulesToSections (fk_moduleId, fk_sectionId, `order`) VALUES
    ((SELECT id FROM modules WHERE title="Top bar"),0,-100);

Solution 3:

I was disappointed at the "all or nothing" answers. I needed (again) to INSERT some data and SELECT an id from an existing table.

INSERT INTO table1 (id_table2, name) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM table2 LIMIT 1), 'Example');

The sub-select on an INSERT query should use parenthesis in addition to the comma as deliminators.

For those having trouble with using a SELECT within an INSERT I recommend testing your SELECT independently first and ensuring that the correct number of columns match for both queries.

Solution 4:

Your insert statement contains too many columns on the left-hand side or not enough columns on the right hand side. The part before the VALUES has 7 columns listed, but the second part after VALUES only has 3 columns returned: 1, 2, then the sub-query only returns 1 column.

EDIT: Well, it did before someone modified the query....