When /tmp/wifi-*.log will show up and how can I stop it?

OS X version of my MacBook Pro (2015) is El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65).

I got a lot of logs file under /tmp/:

fenqideMacBook-Pro:tmp fenqi$ ls -lt wifi-*.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 250759  4 12 11:50 wifi-VbB6ea.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel  41368  4 12 11:42 wifi-9K1EMd.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 109397  4 12 11:41 wifi-DemQZe.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 189145  4 12 11:38 wifi-DlzZ4Z.log

When I'm using the wifi of my company.
But as I use wifi at home, these files stop to generate any more.

The content of these files is:

Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexSetProfile: <en0> profile for band 2.4GHz didn't change
Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexSetProfile: <en0> profile for band 5GHz didn't change
Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexHandle_ApplyPolicy: <en0> Bluetooth Coex: band = 0x2
Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexHandle_ApplyPolicy: <en0> Bluetooth Coex: hosting AP = NO, assoc as STA = YES, assoced in 2.4GHz = NO
Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexHandle_ReconfigureAntennas: <en0> Bluetooth Coex: band = 2
Tue Apr 12 11:38:24.024 BTC: <airportd[89925]> BluetoothCoexGetCurrentBssidPhyMode: <en0> Bluetooth Coex: Active PHY Mode 16. PHY Mode

I found this process with an airportd in its name:

fenqideMacBook-Pro:tmp fenqi$ ps -ef |grep airportd |grep -v grep
0 89925     1   0 11:07上午 ??         0:03.97 /usr/libexec/airportd

I tried to force kill it, but it seems there is a daemon which restarts it automatically.

fenqideMacBook-Pro:tmp fenqi$ sudo kill -9 89925
fenqideMacBook-Pro:tmp fenqi$ ps -ef |grep airportd |grep -v grep
0 91873     1   0 11:54上午 ??         0:00.14 /usr/libexec/airportd

I asked some of my friends and workmates who use Mac, it seems that this problem exists on MacBook Pro 2015, not previous version of MacBook Pro, neither MacBook Air.

My question is:
1. What's the different between the wifi in my company and home?
2. Is there anyway to stop airportd continue to generate files like /tmp/wifi-*.log?


@Rob helps to provide command 'sudo wdutil log -wifi'
It's very reasonable after 'man wdutil', I'm almost sure that's what I want.
However, after I tried it, the files continue to generate.


@MattLord get it right. On macOS Sierra (10.12), that can be achieved by

ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport
airport debug -AllUserland -AllDriver -AllVendor

At least on macOS Sierra (10.12):

  1. You can see what WIFI related components have debug logging enabled with:

    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport debug
  2. You can disable all debug logging with:

    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport debug -AllUserland -AllDriver -AllVendor

For whatever reason, the debug logging flag was enabled for 'DriverWPA' on my machine and that resulted in /tmp/wifi-{date}__{time}.log files getting generated when joining new WPA2 protected WIFI networks.

man wdutil...

sudo wdutil log -wifi

should turn it off...

On macOS Mojave (10.14.1), hold onto Option and then click the Wi-Fi menu item and then select “Disable Wi-Fi Logging.” That did the trick for me.