convert strings from mixed to upper case in windows batch scripting

Is there a way to convert strings from mixed to upper case in windows batch scripting?

I am writing a batch file to create certain objects and grant user groups access to them. That is, I should issue commands like

cas caslibs create path --name CAS_HRCOCKPIT --path /sas/data/projects/HRCOCKPIT /
cas caslibs add-control --name CAS_HRCOCKPIT --group GSSASELA-DEVHRCockpitUsers --grant read
cas caslibs add-control --name CAS_HRCOCKPIT --group GSSASELA-DEVHRCockpitAdmins --grant modify

The objects should be in upper case, but the user groups are not. How do I converts a string like Cockpit into HRCOCKPIT?

I’m not sure I understand your question 100%.  You seem to be asking how to convert (the value of) a variable in a Windows batch file from mixed to all upper case.  If so, the Super User question How to make uppercase all files and folder on a directory?, by seçkin bilgiç, contains an answer.  Assuming that your variable is called obj (i.e., you have done set obj=Cockpit), do

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%A in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
    set "obj=!obj:%%A=%%A!"

This uses the %variable:old=new% syntax for doing a substitution in a variable value.  For example, if we do set animal=cow, then %animal:ow=at% yields cat.  A useful feature of this is that the match for the old string is case-insensitive, but the replacement is case-preserving; so %animal:OW=AT% yields cAT.  Similarly, if obj=Cockpit, then %obj:T=T% yields CockpiT, and so we can use this to replace a letter with the upper case version of itself.

We loop through the alphabet, getting the effect of

    set "obj=%obj:A=A%"
    set "obj=%obj:B=B%"
    set "obj=%obj:C=C%"

without having to do all 26 statements.

But variables behave strangely in loops in batch files.  That’s why we have setlocal enableDelayedExpansion, and why we use !...! rather than %...% in the assignment in the loop.