How does one configure HttpClient not to automatically redirect when it receives a 301 HTTP Status Code?

Consider an ASP.NET Web API service that redirects

public class ThisController : ApiController
    /* more methods */

    public override HttpResponseMessage Post()
        var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently);
        // Post requests should be made to "ThatController" instead.
        string uri = Url.Route("That", null);
        result.Headers.Location = new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative);
        return result;

Trying to verify that POST'ing data to "api/this" will redirect you to "api/that", I have the following test method:

public void PostRedirects()
    using (var client = CreateHttpClient("application/json"))
        var content = CreateContent(expected, "application/json");
        using (var responseMessage = client.PostAsync("api/this", content).Result)
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently, responseMessage.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), responseMessage.Headers.Location);

protected HttpClient CreateHttpClient(string mediaType)
    var client = new HttpClient();
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue headerValue = MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue.Parse(mediaType);
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.Add(new ProductInfoHeaderValue(new ProductHeaderValue("MyProduct", "1.0")));
    client.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 1024*1024*8;
    return client;

protected ObjectContent CreateContent(T model, string mediaType)
    var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage();
    MediaTypeFormatter mediaTypeFormatter = null;
    switch (mediaType)
        case "application/json":
            mediaTypeFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

        case "application/xml":
        case "text/xml":
            mediaTypeFormatter = new XmlMediaTypeFormatter();


    return requestMessage.CreateContent(
        new[] { mediaTypeFormatter },
        new FormatterSelector());

What really happens that is that a HTTP Status Code is sent to the client with the correct Location header and that HttpClient then automatically performs a GET on that URI. As a result, my test never passes.

How do I configure the HttpClient not to automatically redirect when it receives a 301 so that I can verify that my server response?


var handler = new HttpClientHandler() 
    AllowAutoRedirect = false

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler);