Any point in running containers as non-root on openshift

Solution 1:

The correct approach to security should be using the minimum required privileges.

If something doesn't really need root access, it shouldn't have it.

Solution 2:

One can never say there is enough security in place, some other guy will always find a way to crack that sooner or later, whether it's with technological know-how, social engineering, or some other method I'm not aware of it will happen.

It's all depends on how important it is to you and what type or level of attackers are you expecting to encounter. If you're willing to take the risk or not that's your decision (or your company's one), but since you're using Openshift, a security-focused "version\distro" of Kubernetes I think you'll be more inclined to go to the security heavy approach.

Also, think how much of an inconvenience that would be to you? If not much I think it's worth a shot, if not then consult your answer to paragraph 2.

cri-o and podman have better design when speaking security wise but they're not free of issues just as well as docker isn't.