Transform "list of tuples" into a flat list or a matrix

Solution 1:

By far the fastest (and shortest) solution posted:

list(sum(output, ()))

About 50% faster than the itertools solution, and about 70% faster than the map solution.

Solution 2:

List comprehension approach that works with Iterable types and is faster than other methods shown here.

flattened = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]

l is the list to flatten (called output in the OP's case)

timeit tests:

l = list(zip(range(99), range(99)))  # list of tuples to flatten

List comprehension

[item for sublist in l for item in sublist]

timeit result = 7.67 µs ± 129 ns per loop

List extend() method

flattened = []
list(flattened.extend(item) for item in l)

timeit result = 11 µs ± 433 ns per loop


list(sum(l, ()))

timeit result = 24.2 µs ± 269 ns per loop

Solution 3:

In Python 2.7, and all versions of Python3, you can use itertools.chain to flatten a list of iterables. Either with the * syntax or the class method.

>>> t = [ (1,2), (3,4), (5,6) ]
>>> t
[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
>>> import itertools
>>> list(itertools.chain(*t))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(t))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Solution 4:

Update: Flattening using extend but without comprehension and without using list as iterator (fastest)

After checking the next answer to this that provided a faster solution via a list comprehension with dual for I did a little tweak and now it performs better, first the execution of list(...) was dragging a big percentage of time, then changing a list comprehension for a simple loop shaved a bit more as well.

The new solution is:

l = []
for row in output: l.extend(row)

The old one replacing list with [] (a bit slower but not much):

[l.extend(row) for row in output]

Older (slower):

Flattening with list comprehension

l = []
list(l.extend(row) for row in output)

some timeits for new extend and the improvement gotten by just removing list(...) for [...]:

import timeit
t = timeit.timeit
o = "output=list(zip(range(1000000000), range(10000000))); l=[]"
steps_ext = "for row in output: l.extend(row)"
steps_ext_old = "list(l.extend(row) for row in output)"
steps_ext_remove_list = "[l.extend(row) for row in output]"
steps_com = "[item for sublist in output for item in sublist]"

print(f"{steps_ext}\n>>>{t(steps_ext, setup=o, number=10)}")
print(f"{steps_ext_remove_list}\n>>>{t(steps_ext_remove_list, setup=o, number=10)}")
print(f"{steps_com}\n>>>{t(steps_com, setup=o, number=10)}")
print(f"{steps_ext_old}\n>>>{t(steps_ext_old, setup=o, number=10)}")

Time it results:

for row in output: l.extend(row)                  
>>> 7.022608777000187

[l.extend(row) for row in output]
>>> 9.155910597999991

[item for sublist in output for item in sublist]
>>> 9.920002304000036

list(l.extend(row) for row in output)
>>> 10.703829122000116