How to use curl with Django, csrf tokens and POST requests

A mixture of Damien's response and your example number 2 worked for me. I used a simple login page to test, I expect that your registration view is similar. Damien's response almost works, but is missing the sessionid cookie.

I recommend a more robust approach. Rather than manually entering the cookies from other requests, try using curl's built in cookie management system to simulate a complete user interaction. That way, you reduce the chance of making an error:

$ curl -v -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt
$ curl -v -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -d "[email protected]&a=1&csrfmiddlewaretoken=<token from cookies.txt>"

The first curl simulates the user first arriving at the page with a GET request, and all the necessary cookies are saved. The second curl simulates filling in the form fields and sending them as a POST. Note that you have to include the csrfmiddlewaretoken field in the POST data, as suggested by Damien.


 -d "[email protected]&a=1"

Notice especially the format of the -d argument.

However, this probably won't work, as your view likely needs a POST request instead of a GET request. Since it will be modifying data, not just returning information.

CSRF protection is only required for 'unsafe' requests (POST, PUT, DELETE). It works by checking the 'csrftoken' cookie against either the 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' form field or the 'X-CSRFToken' http header.


 -d "[email protected]&a=1&csrfmiddlewaretoken={inserttoken}"
 --cookie "csrftoken=[as above]"

It's also possible to use --header "X-CSRFToken: {token}" instead of including it in the form data.