How to get vino VNC server to start on startup in Ubuntu 18.04.1?
Solution 1:
After startup, click the square array of dots in the lower left of the screen.
Type 'startup applications' (no quotes) into the search box that appears at the top of the screen. Clock on the resulting icon.
Click Add
at the right of the box, Type 'start vino' in the Name box, and paste /usr/lib/vino/vino-server
into the command box.
Click Add
at the bottom of the box.
Close the app.
You're done.
Solution 2:
The clean way to start he Vino Server is to use the systemctl
command like so:
systemctl --user start vino-server
As mentioned by Organic Marble above, use the "Startup Applications" interface to add the command to your startup so when you log on it will automatically start that service. When you log out, it will automatically stop it.
For the hard core people, that can be done using an editor. Editing with vim:
vim ~/.config/autostart/systemctl.desktop
Then add an entry such as:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=systemctl --user start vino-server
Name[en_US]=Vino Server
Name[fr_FR]=Vino Serveur
Name=Vino Server
Comment[en_US]=Auto-start the VNC service on login in
Comment[fr_FR]=Auto-démare le service VNC sur une connection
Comment=Auto-start the VNC service on login in